
模块(Modules)是 C++ 20 引入的,类似于头文件(header),用于在不同源文件之间共享变量、函数和类的声明或实现,从而重用代码。


  1. 由于 #include 属于预处理指令,它简单地将头文件的内容复制到当前文件,因此,如果忘记做头文件保护,会出现重定义(redefinition)错误;

  2. 头文件不需要 self-contained,如下例:

    // File: a.h
    class A { std::string a; };
    // File: main.cpp
    #include <string>
    #include <a.h>
    int main() {}


  3. 多次引入过大的头文件将显著降低编译效率,每一次引入该头文件,#include 都会将其中的内容完全复制过来。

正是为了解决以上问题,C++ 引入了 Modules


// syntax
[export] module <module_name> [module_partition] [attr];

其中,module_name 为模块的名称(必选),module_partition 为模块分块名称(可选),attr 为模块属性(可选)。

声明 export 时,该源文件为声明文件,否则,该源文件为实现文件。



// syntax
export declaration
export { declaration-seq }

// example
export module A; // declares the primary module interface unit for named module 'A'
// hello() will be visible by translations units importing 'A'
export char const* hello() { return "hello"; } 
// world() will NOT be visible.
char const* world() { return "world"; }
// Both one() and zero() will be visible.
    int one()  { return 1; }
    int zero() { return 0; }
// Exporting namespaces also works: hi::english() and hi::french() will be visible.
export namespace hi
    char const* english() { return "Hi!"; }
    char const* french()  { return "Salut!"; }

export template<typename T>
T max(T a, T b);

export template<typename T>
class TemplatedType;


Modules 支持分离声明和实现,声明文件被称为 primary module interface unit,实现文件被称为 module implementation unit。例如:

// primary module interface unit for A
export module A;
export const char* hello();

// module implementation unit for A
module A;
const char* hello() { return "Hello!"; }


// syntax
export module A:B; // Declares a module interface unit for module 'A', partition ':B'.

// example

/////// A-B.cpp   
export module A:B;
/////// A-C.cpp
module A:C;
/////// A.cpp
export module A;
import :C;
export import :B;


模块中建议不要使用 #include 引入头文件,可以使用:

// syntax
[export] import <header_name> [attr]

/////// A.cpp (primary module interface unit of 'A')
export module A;
import <iostream>;
export import <string_view>;
export void print(std::string_view message)
    std::cout << message << std::endl;
/////// main.cpp (not a module unit)
import A;
int main()
    std::string_view message = "Hello, world!";

但如果一定要使用 #include 的话,可以使用全局模块(Global module fragment)。

// syntax

// example
/////// A.cpp (primary module interface unit of 'A')
// Defining _POSIX_C_SOURCE adds functions to standard headers,
// according to the POSIX standard.
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdlib.h>
export module A;
import <ctime>;
// Only for demonstration (bad source of randomness).
// Use C++ <random> instead.
export double weak_random()
    std::timespec ts;
    std::timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC); // from <ctime>
    // Provided in <stdlib.h> according to the POSIX standard.
    // drand48() returns a random number between 0 and 1.
    return drand48();
/////// main.cpp (not a module unit)
import <iostream>;
import A;
int main()
    std::cout << "Random value between 0 and 1: " << weak_random() << '\n';


// syntax
module : private;

// example
export module foo;
export int f();
module : private; // ends the portion of the module interface unit that
                  // can affect the behavior of other translation units
                  // starts a private module fragment
int f()           // definition not reachable from importers of foo
    return 42;


[export] import <module_name> [attr]

假设在另一个源文件中声明了模块 B: export module B,如果想让所有引入 B 的也能访问模块 A,可以使用 export import A

/////// A.cpp (primary module interface unit of 'A')
export module A;
export char const* hello() { return "hello"; }
/////// B.cpp (primary module interface unit of 'B')
export module B;
export import A;
export char const* world() { return "world"; }
/////// main.cpp (not a module unit)
#include <iostream>
import B;
int main()
    std::cout << hello() << ' ' << world() << '\n';


The following declarations are not attached to any named module (and thus the declared entity can be defined outside the module):

export module lib_A;
namespace ns // ns is not attached to lib_A.
    export extern "C++" int f(); // f is not attached to lib_A.
           extern "C++" int g(); // g is not attached to lib_A.
    export              int h(); // h is attached to lib_A.
// ns::h must be defined in lib_A, but ns::f and ns::g can be defined elsewhere (e.g.
// in a traditional source file).


  1. Modules
  2. Cppcon 2023